Our free self-assessment tool provides a framework for school and district leaders to evaluate the state of equity in their school system and to identify and prioritize areas for improvement. The assessment focuses both on school and system leadership (collectively) and the district/school system as a whole. Users assess their progress along a continuum of behaviors and practices ranging from the least to the most desirable.

There is no one right way to complete the Equity Self-Assessment. Systems may complete the tool differently depending on the time and resources available. We recommend that individuals from multiple levels and areas of the system be involved in the process in some way. While personal experiences of individuals are relevant, it is important to remember that the focus is on the organization as a whole. This will enable a more accurate assessment and ensure a comprehensive picture of the system’s equity work. It will also provide an opportunity for staff to enhance their understanding of equitable practice.

How you might complete this:

  • Individuals across different roles within the organization respond to components of the tool aligned to their role and then compile their answers together for an overall assessment.
  • Key individuals complete the entire tool separately and then come together to discuss similarities and differences in order to come to a consensus.
  • A group of key individuals gather to discuss the tool components in detail and then come to a consensus regarding where the system is as a whole.

Download the Equity Assessment tool here.