“In the past two years, school districts across the country have been moved to write equity policies or pass resolutions to publicly commit to being a more equitable district. For some districts, the work stopped there, but this doesn’t have to be the case,” writes Mary Rice-Boothe in her new article How to Make Your Equity Policy a Reality published on Edutopia.org and later featured by K12Dive.com.

In the piece, Rice-Boothe highlights that to move equity policies beyond just words on a page, leaders can take actionable steps such as establishing common language and shared beliefs, leveraging data from a diverse group of stakeholders, and creating an accountability plan.

“Successful leaders stay focused on the need to serve all students and ensure that they’re academically, emotionally, and socially successful,” she writes. “Once the focus is there, challenges can be seen as opportunities, and the next steps can fall into place.”

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