If You Listen, We Will Stay: A Webinar Hosted by The Hunt Institute + TeachPlus

Studies show that all students benefit from learning from a diverse group of teachers. However, while 53% of public school students are students of color, ...

Self & System: How School Districts Can Take a Comprehensive Approach to Equity

On March 25, our Chief Access & Equity Officer Mary Rice-Boothe and Senior Director of Learning & Strategy Jessica Cihal moderated a special conversation, “Self ...

Race & Education: Supporting Leadership Diversity and Anti-Racism in Education Change

On December 10, The Leadership Academy President & CEO Dr. Nancy Gutiérrez joined Dr. Desmond Blackburn (CEO, New Teacher Center), Kimberly Robinson, J.D. (Elizabeth D. ...

Culturally Responsive Leadership in K-12 Education

On October 22, the Leadership Academy hosted Culturally Responsive Leadership in K-12 Education, a deep discussion about the leadership moves and public policies needed to truly ...

The Leadership Academy joins “Back to School” webinar with NYC Chancellor & NYS Ed Commissioner

The discussion featured our President & CEO Dr. Nancy B. Gutiérrez in conversation with Chancellor of New York City Public Schools Richard Carranza and Interim Education Commissioner of the New York State Education Department Dr. Betty Rosa.

Leadership Academy joins international discussion on ed equity during Covid

The Leadership Academy joined a panel to discuss how do we ensure we’re leading with equity in the post COVID-19 world

Leadership Academy Partners With SCCOE For Webinar Series

The Leadership Academy participates in webinar series, presented in partnership with the Santa Clara County Office of Education (SCCOE).

Leadership Academy Participates in Digital Promise Webinar Series

The Leadership Academy participated in a two-part discussion as part of the Education Leadership for a Digital World webinar series hosted by Digital Promise and sponsored by the Wallace Foundation.

Making Questions Count: How To Build Leadership Capacity Through Inquiry

Effective questioning is a key pillar of sound leadership coaching. Education leaders who provide coaching or deliver professional learning must be equipped with high-quality questioning ...

Ambitious, Equity-Focused Leadership: How Principals Lead All Students to College- and Career-Readiness

In our rapidly changing world, kids need to learn to think flexibly, creatively, and critically — mastering essential knowledge and the skills to apply that ...

Navigating the Tension Between Instructional Coaching and Leadership Coaching

What do instructional coaching and leadership coaching for principals look like? How can principals’ supervisors manage the tension between the two and differentiate coaching for ...

Leading for Equity & Access: Implications of ESSA

Aligned to Leadership Academy Principal Supervisor Standard 5.3, Promote productive dialogue and collective work on equity with an emphasis on race, this webinar engaged Dr. Edward Fergus, ...

Making the Most of Meeting Time with Principals

Aligned to the Leadership Academy’s Principal Supervisor Leadership Standard #2: Develop Learning-Rich Communities of Practice, this webinar delves into how to leverage meetings with principals to maximize ...

Building a Culture of Learning in Leadership

Aligned to the Leadership Academy’s Principal Supervisor Leadership Standard #3: Balance Coaching with Evaluation, this webinar examines how principal supervisors can balance high-quality support with high-quality accountability by ...

Building a Culture of Racial Equity

Aligned to the Leadership Academy’s Principal Supervisor Leadership Standard #5: Cultivate Principals' Cultural & Political Responsiveness, this webinar engaged participants in a discussion about creating the conditions and ...

Making Conversations Count: How to Grow Your Staff at Every Check-In

For many of us, our staff members have a range of development needs – some are high fliers, and some are struggling and require more ...

Leading for Racial Equity: Making Intentions Actionable

Achieving racial equity in schools remains a top priority for school systems across the country. It is imperative that educational leaders have the skills and ...

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